Thank you for joining us at Project 11. At the moment Project 11 consists of Eric Smith (the Founder and Competitor) Bob Wilt (the Uncle and all around beast), JB Bentz (the friend and Webmaster), and Adam Trexler (cousin/rookie of the year). See the links below for profiles of each person.
Please use the following links to access the team member of your choosing.
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Eric - Pics
Age 29 - The Great State of North Carolina
Training Philosophy
Why Project 11?
Its really quite simple. If someone, took something from you, you would be pretty angry right? You would want to fight for it, you would want to make sure a memory never died, never faded, but instead was remembered or even honored. Personally Project 11 helps us do that.
By no means will racing ever bring my Dad back, but I do believe Project 11 brings a focus and outlet to all the feelings I, we, the family and friends have dealt with over the past few months. Yes we are raising money for the LAF, but more importantly, hopefully we are carrying on a time honored family tradition, motivating others to get out there and get after it, just like Dad did for so many.
Thanks Dad...
Bobby - Pics
complained, never quit. He met each setback with more resolve. After his countless surgeries and treatments over the 11 years, he willed himself to get stronger. He got on his bike and started the fight anew. We push ourselves to suffer because it makes us feel alive. Tim pushed himself beyond suffering just to stay alive! Before he passed, I promised Tim I would look after the kids. He said "I know you will." Helping Eric achieve this goal is one small way of honoring my commitment to Tim and helping repay the debt of gratitude I owe him for everything he did for me.
JB - Pics
Age 29 - Metro DC Area
Why am I part of Project 11?
Growing up, I spent many a day with Eric and his family. Mr Smith was a great man, and his battle with cancer was nothing short of awe inspiring. Not once did he complain about it, or look for your pity. When I went over to his house, he would constantly talk about his cycling and try to get me to join in. He was extremely dedicated and would get up at the crack of dawn to bike all across the eastern shore of Maryland. At the time, I was not a cyclist and had not competed in any events. Had it not been for him and his experiences though, I may have never even been inspired to take up the sport.
Adam: Age 24 - New Haven, CT
I need to learn to swim and bike this summer. Seriously…I’ve never done either competitively. I’m counting on my conditioning from several marathon seasons to carry me through so I can focus on surviving the swim and learning to bike. As a Westernport native, I feel somehow the mountain gods could take pity on me and let me get up Big Savage Mountain.
I’m coming off a marathon training schedule that peaked at 50-60 miles per week. I haven’t decided on a routine for the Savageman Half yet, but I have a copy of the TriBible to guide me.
Why P11?
Uncle Tim fought a far more difficult battle than these endurance events. He met it with incredible strength. Competing seems like the least I can do to honor his memory and hopefully help raise some money to continue to support brave men and women like Tim.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Project 11 Profiles
Age 41 -
Training philosophy:
Why am I doing this:
As my neighbor growing up, Tim was a formative figure in my life. The things most precious to me are a direct result of my relationship with him. He introduced me to my wife and encouraged me to go to a military academy. 'Nuff said. He was my big brother and best friend. As he fought cancer - he taught us all how to Live Strong. He never