My father fought Cancer (the big C) from March of 1997 until July 2008. In honor of his eleven year battle, my uncle and I will compete in 11 different endurance events in an effort to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, and encourage others to ride, run, and tri with us. Just like Dad did for us. Our goal, as you may have guessed is to raise $11,000 dollars by the last event in February 2010.
It all started with a bike. Had it not been for Dad's commitment to cycling, the doctors and our family believe the fight would not have lasted as long. The events begin in March and will include duathlons, triathlons, centuries, a double assault on Mount Mitchell, The Savageman for Melanoma Research, and marathons.
We'll use this space to keep folks updated along the way, and look forward to hearing from folks during the process.
More posts to come, as momentum begins to build. More about Dad, more about Cancer, more about the events, more about why...Tonight it simply begins.
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to make a donation.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
It Begins
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