I was just browsing through some old photo's of previous races and found this one. I am going to turn it over you to write a caption for it.
I can tell you what I was thinking. When we woke up in the hotel that morning the radio was playing, The Fray's Over my Head. Not the most motivating song to have playing over and over again for the next 5 hours as your are racing a half ironman. A race that tore you up the year before. For our readers not familiar with this song, Jackie, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpiEEl_5pmA
Everyone has doubts at the start line, start of anything, beginning of a presentation, etc...if you are not the least bit nervous, then you are not trying. Clearly the only reason we take on challenges that are bigger, larger than we are is to simply prove to ourselves and everyone else that we are not in over our heads. It was pretty awesome crossing the finish line that day with the song rattling between my ears, "with 8 seconds left in overtime...everyone knows, everyone knows I am in over my head, over my head, over my head...." and you cross the finish line. Kiss and hug Gina, thank god for the opportunity, and ask Gina if dad had called yet. He always had the stop watch running at home to keep tabs on me.
Anyone want to take a crack at giving the picture a caption.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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