Everyone has different musical tastes, which makes recommending something for your training routines a little tricky. Some people (like Eric for instance) like to "rock out" to the classics...with a little Bob Seger...Maybe some AC/DC... a little G'n'R...with maybe a twist of new stuff like the Killers. Other people tend to prefer music with more of a beat, like hip-hop or even flat out pop music. And then finally, some people can even get pumped up by Kelly Clarkson or Britney Spears(ugh). I say, to each his own right? (and yes...I realize I left off a few genres from the list, but really? Who trains to country or Jazz?)
I personally have the musical attention span of an ant. I listen to a new album, love it for a week or two, then move on to the next tasty morsel. Unfortunately between tasty morsels, there are quite a few sour bits and rotten parts that I need to sift through. This entire process can be pretty time consuming and expensive, but maybe it can prove to be beneficial to us all. I'll try to skim through the crap that I download and give you just the highlights. Basically, just to tell you just about the tracks that I think should be on that training playlist of yours.
That being said, why don't we get started with Volume 1 of what I hope ends up being a regular occurrence on Project 11?
This first installment is a little outside my normal listening range. It would be considered "Hip-Hop", which isn't usually my thing. However, for the last week or so, I've been obsessed with an album by a group called N.A.S.A...which stands for "North America South America". The name brings attention to the fact that the album was actually a colla boration of many artists from all over the globe and from various genres. Two DJs from the LA worked with other artists ranging from David Byrne (of the Talking Heads), to George Clinton, for over two years. The collaboration took place with the various artists submitting their own ideas and these two DJs that are "NASA", compiling them into cohesive pieces of music. The entire album is really a great listen, so if you are up for it, just download the whole thing and get to the gym. However, if you are too skeptical to go with all 14 songs, look below for a couple of choice tracks so you can get a taste.
The first 3 tracks are from NASA's album, but I've also included a few other recent notables. The other tracks include:
TV on the Radio - Golden Age
Kings of Leon - Sex on fire
Black Mountain - Stormy High
Black Ghosts - Full Moon
I hope you enjoy at least a couple of the tracks. And as always, do the right thing and please purchase your music through legitimate channels...My new personal favorite is Lala.com.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Music to Train By - Volume 1
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