I was surfing the web this weekend and stumbled across a new product that may help people stay motivated and committed to new fitness regimens. The gadget is called the "FitBit" and it is going to hit the market later this Spring.
Basically, it is a wearable pedometer...however the level of sophistication goes well beyond any pedometer you've ever seen before. It is meant to track your overall daily activity and calorie expenditure. In addition to that though, you are can wear it while you sleep and it measures your overall sleep quality.
All of the collected data is sent wirelessly back to the FitBit Base Station and tracked online, where you can monitor your progress and diagnose areas where you might need a little bit of help. Their website also can serve as a food diary, so you can track your calories consumed.
The FitBit is going to retail for $99 and the use of the webpage, as well as its tracking tools, is totally free. It will be available online and through a few major retail chains.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Training Tools - FitBit