Monday, April 20, 2009

Music to Train By - Volume 5

First off, congrats to Bobby and Eric on completing Event #2 over the weekend! An Olympic Triathlon is no joke guys! Way to go.

Now its back to training for the next 9 events. That's where I come hopefully provide new music to make everyone's workouts more enjoyable, more energetic, and less monotonous.

I threw together another playlist with 9 new songs, sandwiched by two older tracks. The first track is from about 2 years ago. It's by a band called Gogol Bordello and it sounds like a gypsy version of Punk. It also appeared in a commercial for a Nissan Xterra (I think) last year, so you may recognize the tune. The next 9 tracks are all pretty new...some are from albums that aren't even officially released yet. And finally, the last track is from The View, a British band. This song is actually from their 2007 debut album. Their sophomore album isn't officially out, but a few of the tracks have been leaked on the internet. I wanted to include one of the new tracks, but Lala of course couldn't include it, for "copyright reasons". If you like this track though, google the song "Double Yellow Lines" is my favorite of the leaked new songs.

Go ahead, check out the playlist below...its totally free. Listen to all of them though, because there are some real gems in there (or atleast I think so). And as always, let me know which ones you like/dis-like in the comments. Feel free to sound won't hurt my feelings.

If you haven't signed up for Lala yet, you may want to do so. The tracks are cheaper than iTunes, and you can purchase any of the P-11 playlists with just one click.