11. It's the tallest peak east of the Mississippi, topping out at 6,684 feet above sea level.
10. The road ride wont be nearly as bad as the off road version. We've done it before, we know what to expect, its just a lot of grinding away on the pedals.
9. The road ride wrinkle is that we are doing it on day two after the mountain version.
8. Grand total = 22,000 feet of climbing for the weekend. That's taller than Mt. McKinley. WOW. That's actually the first time I have ever thought about that...
7. I think we might be idiots...
6. Hammer Products. I am going to be ingesting a lot of hammer gel, power bars, HEED and a lot of calories to finish these two rides.
5. Supposedly the ride down Kitsuma is one of the greatest down hills around, but by the time you near the bottom you are praying for an uphill just to relax a bit.
4. Last year the descent of Mitchell was, "the most fun I have ever had on a bike," Bobby. I have a feeling that coming down on day two this year will be one of the most satisfying things I have ever done on a bike.
3. I have no idea how long the off road version will last...
2. Last year I dropped Bobby on the one of the lower climbs up Mitchell. He suffered I never looked back, it felt great. He is looking for revenge and I have a feeling he has been plotting it all year.
1. This is truly going to be Epic...