Morning folks,
The Saturday before we completed the triangle tri a local cyclist was killed in Apex NC. He was riding home from a group ride when he crossed in front of another vehicle. It really got me thinking about cycling safety and I finally broke down and did something I should have done a long time ago, I purchased a ROAD ID.
I always take my phone with me on ride, but a lot of good it will do me in situations when I can not speak. I purchased the wrist id, had it engraved with some important emergency contacts and a little motivational slogan. Even got in official p11 colors.
Most of the efforts I put in are solo so it will be nice to have a little bit more safety on board. The id was only 21 bucks and that includes shipping! The best part is ROAD ID donates a portion of your order to a charity, and the Lance Armstrong Foundation is an option. So not only was I purchasing something for the safety of my family and myself, but donating to the cause at the same time! I would totally encourage y'all to consider purchasing a ROAD ID. It's a great investment and can help benefit a great cause.