As you know, Project 11 is all about encouraging folks to start their own training programs. This can be a daunting task for someone who has never competed in an endurance race before, but there are plenty of events, for people of all different fitness levels. Sometimes it is just the shear act of signing up, or the pending event, that helps people stay focused on their fitness goals. I recommend that everyone at least sign up for a 5K race this year. Trust me. You may think that you can't run 5K right now, but I guarantee if you take a month or two to prepare, you can finish a 5K with no problem...Plus, who ever said you can't walk if you absolutely need to?
The following site lays out a great plan called "How to go from Sedentary to Running in Five Steps". It is a quick and easy plan to get you ramped up for a 5K in no time. The author gears the article towards someone who can simply walk for 20-30 minutes today. It then lays out a plan on how they can gradually apply a little more challenge, until they are finally running for 30-40 minutes.
Check it out. If you are having a hard time getting your butt in gear, this may be just the ticket.
Now get running...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Training Tips - Running for Beginners