It's the Thursday before the biggest spring race, and I am really excited. It has been a great spring, with some solid efforts and good races under our belts. We feel prepared and ready to set some personal bests at White Lake. The Wilts are making their way to NC today, and tomorrow we will head down east for the weekends events.
Rumor has it the third member of P11 is tackling an event this weekend. That's right P11's self proclaimed 'tech geek' is cranking the pedals in the character counts mid-shore metric this weekend. Here's hoping for some adversity and cold ones at the finish line, rock their faces off man!
I wanted to take a second to remind folks why we are participating in Project 11.
Project 11 is dedicated to raising funds and increasing awareness for the fight against cancer. The effort honors my father Thomas John Smith, a long time cyclist and endurance athlete. Dad battled Metastatic Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer for 11 years and inspired many first time riders, and more experienced riders to pedal a little harder. Please take a moment to read the Our Story section of the web page to learn more about Dad's fight.
Thank you,