Andrea and I rode in the Six Pillars Character Counts Eagleman 56 Mile bike ride over the weekend, in Cambridge MD. Amazingly, the weather held out for us and we remained dry for the entire ride. In fact, those few hours that we were on the bikes, may have been the only dry hours of the whole weekend.
It was a great ride, with beautiful scenery and near perfect temperatures. Teh event was extremely well run, and the only disappointment was the lack of participants. The size of the race paled in comparison to the Seagull Century, with only about 150-200 riders. Still, I recommend it to anyone as a good start to the cycling season or as a first event for new cyclists. The course was nice and flat, with little to no hills. The only challenging parts came from the long roads close to the water, where the wind posed an issue and made things slightly tougher.
Andrea and I certainly didn't set any land speed records while we were out there, but we had a great time.
I managed to snap a bunch of shots while we were riding. I'll just post a couple of of them here for you to view, but you can check out the rest at the link below.
View all Pics from Six Pillars Race