Project 11 has been going strong for nearly 3 months now and things have been great so far. We've had well over 600 distinct visitors to the site...that means 600 real people have read about us and now we're seeing more and more people coming back to the site regularly. The donation pool is over $1500 and climbing. We're extremely excited about the progress that we've made and of course we really appreciate all of your donations. Times are tough for a lot of people these days, and the fact that so many of you can find it in your hearts to help, really shows how great our Project-11 friends and followers are.
At the moment Project-11 is tackling a new goal. We feel that our story could be reaching more people through other media outlets...namely magazines or television. We're in the process of compiling a list of publications to reach out to. We started with local exercise magazines (Metro Sports DC, Blue Ridge Outdoors) and progressed to niche national, publications (Endurance Mag, Triathlon Mag). We plan on sending them our story to see if they would be willing to print a story about what Project-11 is doing. The goal is to begin contacting them by June, so right now we are focused on compiling a good list of targets.
That's where you guys come in. This month, I'm going to take a break from bugging you about donations. All I ask is that you help us in our quest for publicity. Do you know anyone in the print media/television industry? Can you think of any magazines that we could target? Do you run a blog of your own that can post a quick blurb about P-11 to increase our exposure? Can you send the link to someone you know who is training for an event of their own...or might think about starting?
Anything you can do to help would be appreciated. If you have suggestions, please comment below or email me . Once again, the comments are now integrated with Facebook, so there is no need to create a seperate login for P-11.